Letters/press releases to the editor

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Letters are welcome and should be addressed to the Editor at Wehaitians.com. E-mail: wehaitians@gis.net

Posted December 21, 2008

After a Series of Merited Suspicions, Convictions for Trafficking in Narcotics, Apparent Denials of U.S. Visas, a Lawsuit Against Wehaitians.com

I am contacting you concerning this page from your site: http://www.wehaitians.com/haitian%20drug%traffickers.html.

On this page your site claims that Senator Michel Clerie is part of a Lavalas officials, senators, deputies and private citizens (convicted drug kingpin Ketant ultra-luxury mansion) suspected of, convicted for trafficking narcotics.

These allegations are false on behalf of the senator who was never part of any suspicion, nor has never been arrested or investigated for trafficking narcotics.

I reach out to you in good faith that you will remove the senator's name from these incriminating allegations. Having that we know that there is or never was any evidence to support your claims.

This site has posted since December 30, 2007 (haitian drug traffickers, alleged haitian drug traffickers). We encourage you to cooperate with us in good terms as we believe that you are not in the business of publishing false information.

 The senator has no objections against and publishing news against him as long as the truth is being used.

In this situation, since we are positive that you have no evidence of these allegations, we would like you to cooperate with our request to avoid legal defense, wasting time and money, which the senator will follow if necessary.

I was asked to initiate a lawsuit against false accusations, causing damages to the political profile of an official diplomat implicating that the senator was involved in drug trafficking.

On my own decision, I've decided to try to reach out to you and offer the chance to remove these allegations knowing that you would not find any evidence to support these allegations.

Jean-Claude Zenni  

WEHAITIANS.COM: Blame, in part or in full, cannot be rightly assigned to us for allegations relating to the practize of drug trafficking, proven practize of drug trafficking, preferably practize of narcotics (this, the correct English language word, not drug, which is commonly used when one is expressing himself, herself  in the vernacular). A piece of advice, we urge you, and today, to conform your behavior. 

RELATED TEXT: Placing former Haitian murderous dictator, alleged druglord Aristide in tight handcuffs, whose job is that?               

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