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Posted August 22, 2005
More wehaitians.com, an invaluable ...

Wehaitians.com, an invaluable resource for tens of thousands of people, including prominent scholars and major publications long reputed for their cardinal tenets - truth, for example. 

Below, you will find more than a journalistic sample of tens of thousands of letters wehaitians.com has received from visitors over the past two years or so. Most of the letter writers' names, postal and e-mail addresses are omitted for privacy reasons.

Dear Yves A. Isidor,

On behalf of Baraka Productions, I would like to introduce myself, Roopa De Choudhury, Associate Producer for the documentary "Haiti-200 Years Later." Our documentary traces the turbulent history of Haiti, using the last three years of Aristide's Presidency to reflect upon. We have been shooting in Haiti since December 2003 and have interviews with Timothy Carney, James Dobbins, the opposition leaders in Haiti, Michael Ratner, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Danny Glover and others in Haiti as well. We also recently had an interview with Aristide in South Africa. We would greatly appreciate an interview with you to gain your insight on the situation, as you have written such informational and valuable articles on wehaitians.com. We also need a true and balanced perspective for this documentary.

Your interview will be an extremely valuable component of our documentary. It will help us get a dynamic perspective on Haiti and Aristide's role. "Haiti-200 Years Later" is being produced by PBS regional and SWISS National TV. Also we would be happy to provide you bios of the director, producer and creative team. We shall be in Boston on 24th September and would be most grateful for your interview. Please email me and/or call me at ... to let me know if that is possible and with any questions.


Roopa De Choudhury

Associate Producer

Baraka Productions

I am seeking information as to where I might get a copy of a print or drawing of the statue that is in front of the Haitian National Palace entitled "Unknown Fugitive Slave" by Albert Mangones in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I am an African-American who most recently read the book "Maroon Societies" and a picture of this statue is on the cover.

I am an affiliate president of an educational organization, The National Alliance of Black School Educators, and our Affiliate has developed a local eduators award entitle, The Maroon Award. The title of our award has special significance due to our collective past and for people of Haitian descent, DuSable and L'Overture and another modern day African American scholar, Asa Hilliard.

My interest is getting a print, drawing or casted stutue immitation of the Unknown Fugitive Slave to become the symbol for our award. If you are able to help me please inform me as to how I may proceed in procuring this item.


To Whom It May Concern:

My name is .... I'm currently writing a book about Haiti and I would like to have more information about the occult roots of Haiti. To be more specific, I would like know about Aristide's Voodoo worship. Do you have any book you can recommand? Thank you so much


allo maitre Isidor je te dis merci par ce que tu fais un bon travail pour la communaute haitienne.Ma femme emprunte ma voix pour te dire du courage et du succes.

Dear Professor Isidore:

I have sent an e-mail to you earlier regarding the list of names of Haitians murdered by the lavalas criminals. It has been hard on me to look at the comparison pictures of the lifestyle of aristide, his wife and entourage to that of the people of Haiti. In our opinion, the couple need to be brought to justice including their supporters. For the crimes committed, in particularly the man laying on the ground in a pool of blood, disfigured ..... There must be justice to stop this atrocious behavior once and for all. Please tell me how I could help although there has been so much damage done, no one does not truly know where to start. If you happen to visit the DC area with your family, please don't hesitate to contact me at .... You may also reach me by e-mail, and indicate to me what could I do to the best of my abilities, to help our Haitian brothers and sisters.  

I just found your website, and as an American/Floridian with many Haitian friends who fully support Aristide, I find your website biased and your thoughts deluded.

I suggest you educate yourself to the truth about your country and mine by reading this book: "Hegemony or Survival" by Noam Chomsky. After you have read it, you will realize the true role of Aristide in your country's government, and why he is not permitted to create prosperity in Haiti. He is/was a pawn under the opressive thumb of the U.S. government.

sincerely, thegreenman

Your admirable financial contribution can be U.S.$25.00 or more. A grant from you will help us pay for the cost (economic) of promoting and maintaining democracy and human rights in Haiti. That's all you learn to do false accusations, begging and at the same time trying to bring down brothers who are not like you. I finally understand why you are not wellike by any group and not welcome from anywhere. You, yourself, by being able to read and write is a destruction machine to your country. I wonder what Plato would say to you if he was alive. Are you a negger or a chocolate milk? If you were to learn Platon, Socrate, Aristote, Montaigne, Rousseau, Machiavel, Freud, Weber, Tockeville... name the rest howcome you still thinking the way you do? I don't have much time to spend with you. You are not worth it. Haitians like you make me hate haitians more and more everyday.

Hi, Your web site is really beautiful but try not to be a fanatic (lavalassiens), witch you aren't, when you are informing about the politial crisis in Haiti. I know that it is not easy for you to be objective in the actual situation but at least keep a certain respect for people even if you do not like them.


Professor Isidor, I am journalist and I am shocked by what is on your site. The information is imflamatory and disgusting and I must ask, who funds your organisation. Aristide was a repressive dictator, but he was no less than the others of the past. For you to have balance and respect, your site to also chronicle the repressive and murderous practises of all of them.

  • To: wehaitians@gis.net Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 2:19 PM Subject: Black history project

Do you know how to contact the African American Lives project? the url in the article you posted from the Times does not work - is there a mail address? We are interested in contacting them regarding a family ancestor.

  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:40 PM Subject: Haitian's constitution

> Hi > I would like a copy of Haitian Constitution. I would appreciate it if you > can help. > > Regards > > Henri > >

  • To: <wehaitians.com> Sent: October 13, 201 11:49:30 AM Pacific Time Subject: NOVEMVER 18



  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net Sent:Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:21AM Subject: REQUEST


I am a Jamaican, currently attending a university. I have an assignment to do and it is in reference to THE MAN OBSTACLES TO ECONOMIC GROWTH IN HAITI. As a result, I would like to find out if your arguments are mainly based on the obstacles to economic development.

Thank you in advance for your urgent attention to this very important matter.   

  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net Sent: Tursday, October 30, 2003 8:06 AM Subject: 200th Anniversary


I am a graduate student at Boston University. I have an assignment to cover the Haitian community. I am interested in speaking to someone about the upcoming anniversary especially with the political climate in Haiti. How it will be celebrated here in Boston? As well as some of the projects/initiatives your organization runs.

Please contact me at ... or via email to arrange an interview. I am working on deadline and would love to speak to someone before Friday.

Many thanks,

  • To: wehaitians@gis.net <wehaitians@gis.net Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:20 PM Subject: Important

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is .... I'm currently writing a book about Haiti and I would like to have more information about the occult roots of Haiti. To be more specific, I would like to know about Aristide's Voodoo worship. Do you have any book you can recommend? Thank you so much.


  • To: WeHaitiansPol Sent: September 25,2001 2:05:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time Subject: Haitians seeking relief from removal

My name is ..., I am a law student at the Uversity of Conn. School of Law. I am presently working on a project at DelCastillo & Associates, a law firm in CT. I am trying to apply for relief from removal under the Convention Against Torture for a 26 year old Haitian criminal alien who has been here since he was 3 years old an never went back to Haiti. His entire family is here U.S. citizens mostly and permanent resident. He does not speak French or Creole.

I was taken by the article that Yves A. Isidor wrote on Claudette Etienne the 44-year-old deportee who died in a Haitian prison. I am trying to get nore articles on issues similar to Ms. Etienne that can support my argument that if my client returns to Haiti, he is more likely to be tortured and treated badly and accordindly, he should not be removed to Haiti.

If you have any information or articles concerning the plight of deportees or deported criminal aliens in Haiti, I would be very grateful if you could forward any information that you may have on illtreatment of Haitian Deportees by the Haitian Police or Government.

If there are costs involved with the copying or accumulation of the data, please let me know. My telephone number is ..., fax no ... or address is ... and the name of the law firm is DelCastillo & Associates.

Thank you,  

  • From: hpocock@hotmail.com (HannahPocock) <to wehaitianspol@aol.com February 15, 201, 5:35 PM Pacific Standard Time Subj: FAO Professor Isidor

Dear Professor Isidor:

I am a television researcher based in London, England. At the moment I'm developing a documentary series on ex-dictators from around the globe.

I've been reading through your website with interest (and was enlightened about Aristide's governance). However, my particular interest on this occasion is Raul Cedras.

I understand that he resides in Panama City but that's about it. Would you know anyone who who may have a more diect contact with him, perhaps a lawyer?

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Hannah Pocock 

  • From: Safety@ifj.org (Sarah de Jong)  Reply-to: safety@ifj.org To: <wehaitianspol@aol.com> Sent: March 15, 2001, 3:46:34 AM Pacific Standard Time Subj: Haitian journalists

Dear Yves A. Isidor,

Our organization is currently conducting a review of cases of journalists, news photographs and media staff who have been killed in the over the previous ten years.

If you are aware of jounalists from the Haitian community abroad who have been killed during the course of their professional activities during the time period 1990-2000 we would very much appreciate any details that you may possess of such cases.

The International Federation of Journalists has embarked on a project concerning killed journalists between 1990-2000. We aim to produce a publication which will offer an overview of the past decade and will contain an in depth statistical analysis which will include questions on the ratio of cameramen killed as opposed to reporters or freelancers, etc. Below are the cases of Haitian journalists we are aware were killed in the US. Should there be any details that you wish to comment on regarding any one of these cases please do not hesitate contacting me.

1991 Jean Claude Olivier Fritz Dor

1993 Dona St. Pilte

Thank you for any assistance that you able to provide.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Clark

International Federation of Journalists


266 rue Royale

1210 - Brussels


Tel: +32 2 223 22 65

Fax: +32 2 219 29 76

  • To: WeHaitianspol Sent April 2, 2001 Subj: GROWING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS ...


just finished your article on ENVIRONMENT in Haiti ... you can imagine I, as a conservation scientist (marine &terrestial) am thrilled to find another scholar with who i can share interests in this challenging topic.

my intent to-day is not to enter a debate about environmental problems in Haiti ... (in all awareness, not need ...) i like to introduce myself and propose another challenging topic to reflect upon. Space activities and space products: satellite application tools / information technologies application to societal need and how Haiti can build prosperity by joining the efforts of other nations: Brazil, Guina, Cuba in the area of Space products; better comprehend (through those tools:GPS, GIS ... COMMUNICATIONS satellite) key issues in threats to the environment, global warming, deforestation, oceonic challenges, including fishery challenges ...

i am an oceanographer and i have just been admitted to a Space program (to be more accurate: Earth Observation Science) ... so, you understand my enthusiasm about Space product, productivity, profitability and prosperity for our beloved Haiti.



  • May 12, 2004 - In Haiti and the United States, the arrest of a Haitian-American Voodoo priestest and chief bandit produces extreme criticism of professor Yves A. Isidor and wehatians.com ... please see related article.

Democracy/Human Rights Advocates  Politicians  Writers  Scholars  Journalists  Economists  Attorneys  Students  Etc.       

online 1 a.jpg (45525 bytes)

Getty Image, via The New York Times

The Alexandria library hopes to take up where its legendary forerunner left of a millennium ago.

Mr Isidor, J'essaie à maintes reprises de t'appeler mais malheureusement je n'ai aucune reponse de ta part,peut-être que le temps te fait défaut.Mais etant donné que je suis dans l'obligation de me documenter un peu sur une partie de l'histoire d'Haïti afin d'eviter tout risque d'échec dans mes demarches futures J'aurais aimé que tu m'accordes quelques minutes de ton precieux temps afin de me procurer, s'il vous plait, quelques renseignements sur les points qui suivent: ( 1) Les rmarques de Jean Dominique sur Dany Toussaint à la veille de sa campagne electorale. (2) Bref documentaire sur la mort de Jean Dominique(natamment sur les trois semaines apres sa mort ). (3) Raison de l'exil du juge Claudy Garçan,celui qui etait chargé du dossier de Jean Dominique. N-B :Si tu possedes encore les journaux ou encore les articles de( wehaïtians.com en guise de preuves tangibles ce serait formidable.Si tu pouvais m'aider en ce sens Dieu te le rendrait car c'est une étape tres importante de ma vie.J'accepeterais toutes les conditions qui pourraient rendre possible ces demarches. Au cas où tu veux me contacter par telephone,appelle-moi à n'importe quelle heure au (617)501-2576.Mon email address est :lafontantsaintgermain@yahoo.com

Je t'en remercie d'ores et dejà.

May God Bless You.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Ian Randle Publishers Limited of Kingston, Jamaica, is producing a book entitled Makers of the Caribbean, which chronicles the lives and contributions of 40 Caribbean personalities who have helped to significantly shape Caribbean society. The Haitian Nationals being featured in the book are:

1. Toussaint L'ouverture 2. Jean Jacques Dessalines 3. Jacques Roumain 4. Philome Obin

The section on each individual will feature at least 2 photos in a characteristic pose. We would be grateful for your assistance in accessing 2 such photos of each these individuals. Any guidance and/or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

We thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Karen Irons-Jolly Editorial Assistant ******************************* Ian Randle Publishers Ltd. 11 Cunningham Avenue Kingston 6 Jamaica W.I. Tel: (876) 978-0739; 978-0745; 946-3173 Fax: (876) 978-1156 Email: editorial2@ianrandlepublishers.com Website: www.ianrandlepublishers.com


My name is Jason Feifer, and I'm a reporter for the Gardner News, a daily newspaper in north-central Mass. I'm writing to request your permission to use a photograph from your website in the newspaper.

For our weekly page written by teenagers, we have an article by a girl who is preparing to go to Haiti with a church group to help build buildings. She has no graphics to go with the piece, and so I've been searching for photographs to use.

I found a few that would be appropriate in your photograph-poverty section, but wanted to get permission from you before using one of them. I will list the web address under the photograph, so you will be getting credit for the picture.

Please confirm that I can or cannot use the photo in the paper. You can just reply to this address, or reach me at 978-632-8000, ext. 24.

Thank you, Jason Feifer


Modulo is a publishing house specialized in schoolbook. We will produce a new book for primary level in Quebec soon.

We would like to reproduce two photos that we had seen on your website :

1) Tonton Macoute http://www.wehaitians.com/macoutesoldier.html 2) Peoples on sidewalk http://www.wehaitians.com/pantheon8.html (lower photo)

Could you provide us with high-resolutions photos (300DPI) ? Or transparencies ?

Please let me know about the fees for rights and the delay of delivery for these photos. If you need it, I will send you a fax to show you what are these two photos (if you want to receive a fax, please give me your fax number).

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Claire Demers Adjointe à l'édition Modulo Éditeur 233, av. Dunbar, bureau 300 Mont-Royal (Qc) H3P 2H4 (514) 738-9818 (tél.) (514) 738-9848 (fax) cdemers@modulo.ca

I have been reading your web site from time to time.

At this point, I need to know who is Professor Yves A. Isidore, SVP!

It is an expensive site with extensive and at times gory pix and apparently linked with the NY Times....

I now need to know who the Prof.is since he is the only name that appears on the site...



Prof Isidor:

Thank you for your reply. I am working through a church and have no intention of dealing with the government. If you don't mind, I'll keep you posted occasionally.

Hi Yves,

It was great to see you as well. You have greatly influenced my thinking and I hope that you are still interested in writing about world politics with a focus on Haiti. I've been moving the early work we did into an elevated format where we can include a larger audience. The website http://www.iite.org is one that I have designed to continue the kind of discourse we began with the newspapers. Check out the site and let me know if you are interested in writing and adding to the global community room. Is the www.wehaitians.com website yours? Please stay in touch.

to whom it may concern,

my name is ... and i am a student at Barry University. i would like to request permission from www.wehaitians.com to use some of the pictures posted on the internet for an educational project/documentary. please respond about whether it is or is not possible for me to use these photos for my educational project. thank you for your time and consideration.


Dear Mr. Isidor, My name is .... I am a high school senior in Palo Alto, California. I am currently writing a large research paper about Aristide's first presidency, and I have been looking at the "wehaitians" website for information, and it has been very useful. I was wondering though, if you might be able to answer a few questions I still have, in a sort of "email interview" setting. If you would be able to respond, here are the questions, and if you cannot that is fine as well, it just seemed like you had a lot of knowledge on this topic.

1) To what extent do you believe Aristide changed between 1990 and 1996? (I am focusing on this first period, so it would be great if you had comments about that, though I will be touching lightly on the current situation in my conclusion) And if he changed (some say he didn't, that's fine too) was that change good or bad?

2) To what extent can you characterize Aristide as a politician? to what extent can you characterize him as prophet?

3) What are his flaws and what are his strengths? What has good has he done for Haiti and its people, and what has he made worse? (during the period 1990-1996)

4) Are Aristide's arguments against the elite and the military legitimate?

5) To what extent is Aristide's connection to the people genuine? Is this connection based on religion?

6) Did Aristide mobilize disenfrachized masses towards participating in politics and creating a democracy? did he try and fail, or not try at all?

7) When Aristide returned from exile he spoke of "justice and reconciliation,"... do you believe Aristide was genuinely interested in achieving those goals, and did he achieve them?

8) What do you think of the political pardon which Aristide granted the coup leaders during his exile? What do you think of Aristide's economic policies during his first seven months, and those he accepted after his exile?

9) Was Aristide committed to the people of Haiti, and if yes, did he remain loyal to them? If he did not remain loyal, why not?

That should be enough to start you off! Actually its a lot of questions I know, so if you'd like to, please just answer those you have the most to say about, or a little about each. Please let me know if you need any more information. I'd really appreciate your opinion on this. As you can probably tell, I am very interested in Haiti, and this topic in particular, so I would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

Thank you very much

p.s. also, if you know other people who would be interested to answer these questions, or add their thoughts to my analysis, you are more than welcome to share the questions and my email adress with them. (or if you do not have time to answer these questions, but you know someone else who does that's fine too!) Just let them know, it would be great if they could respond by sometime next week. Thank you!

I wanted to thank you for your gesture Prof. Ysidor. I went to your site and I followed the instruction that you had sent to me to see Jacques Ketan's Mansion. I like your site very much, and I can not cease to read the past and present news. Keep up the good work Prof. Haiti needs you. By the way I don't know, if you have the haitian police chief Jocelyne Pierre e mail address, if you have it, can you please send it to me. thank you

Dear Teacher,

Yves Isidor:

It's a great pleasure for me today to get in touch with you through your e-mail in other to thank you for those pictures or profiles you put available in the screen to help the haitian community in Boston Massachusetts to see what's going on in Haiti.

I also want to inform you that we are very close to the victory,and Aristide must go this year because of His incapacity and incompetence to assume such honorific Post.Something has to be done not later than this month.

Let's wait and see.Very truly yours:


Dear Yves

I am looking at the affects of affordable housing and how is interfers with the freemarket in England. I am intrested if you have any information you might be able to share with me. This is for my third year Real Estate Managment Degree dissertation.


  • To: wehaitians@gis.net <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: (no subject) Date: Sunday, April 06, 2003 7:22 AM

Hello ive seen your website. Im in london u.k Im intrested in your help for 2 people one is my mother who has seen several healers and has not had any luck with them She has a spiritual problem she hears alot of noises in her ears and can not sleep because she sees spirits not one but many, she also see alot of smoke everywhere she goes and has very bad stomach pain it feels like it is burning inside. and she has pain her body. She is very distressed about this can you help? and what is the cost? Also i know someone who has very bad hair loss problem can you do anything about this? Please reply to me it is urgent.

Thank you
  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net>

I am an American Citizen and I am proud to day of my fellow Americans in this country, after hearing that the polls about our position in Iraq was exactly what it should be, and that is: We support the Bush Administration in leading America and our young man and women in a fight which is probably one of the most important fight that we Americans should be facing, and we must all stand together and express our pride in having a government that has not faltered in the face of a great deal of criticism by many whose opinion about Iraq is only based on their political ambitions.

After all, we know that these very same people who are calling Iraq a failure, are responsible for the biggest failure of all :. ( The return of solaced DEMOCRACY in Haiti by the Clinton administration.) ( enclosed PICTURE OF THE DEMOCRACY THAT THE CLINTON'S GAVE HAITI)

We all understand that their agenda was their personal and political; gain in Haiti, but once that was obtained they choose to leave Haiti in CHAOS, that is why the US is viewed by many country of running away from their engagements, and that is why:

Today we are facing many obstacles from France and Germany who by the way Have their own agenda? I am not surprised by the stand taken today by my fellow Americans even when confronted on a daily basis by the negativity of people who by now we know to well (DEMOCRATS) This is why they are not leading the country today thanks to GOD.

The democrats are no more today and that is why we could be so successful in accomplishing our goals in Iraq, which can be seen by all :; THE BUTCHER OF BAGHDAD IS NO MORE: and is replaced by people learning on a daily basis what FREEDOM is all about.: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Now we can see the Iraqis expressing themselves, their views and feeling which we sometimes take for granted.

Until we look at Haiti and the voodoo Priest not only using new born infants as his means of sacrifice by offering them in voodoo ceremonies, and making sure that people who try to speak out or manifesting pacifically their outrage are being silenced on a daily basis.

People all over Haiti are now asking for ARISTIDE to resign, unless the United States take a stand openly the country is on the verge of a Civil War.


  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: comment Date: Sunday, February 22, 2004 1:41 PM

I don't necessarily agree with everything you say on your site or the presentation it's a little pessimistic but that's why it's call democracy and that's the problem of Haiti right now I learned a lot about my Haitian history and my self on your site and I experience what's going on in haiti right now like i was there and worried a lot about my family in Port-au-prince right now currently live in California silicon valley next to Cisco sys

  • From: "iik-vifa" <iik-vifa@public.uni-hamburg.de> To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: Co-operation Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 2:55 AM

Co-operation with the project virtual specialist library Ibero-America cibera's "Full text server for Grey Literature"

Dear Sir or Madam

The Institute for Ibero-American Studies (www.duei.de/iik/) participates in the virtual specialist library Ibero-America cibera (www.cibera.de). The aim of this network of information and research organisations is to create a central access point for documents about Ibero-America which are otherwise widely spread in different information sources.

The services offered by cibera include, amongst other things, the permanent availability of digital full texts. Hence, the Institute for Ibero-American Studies is planning to store selected texts which are published on the website of We Haitians United We Stand For Democracy at http://www.wehaitians.com/ as data files on a full text server of the virtual specialist library Ibero-America.

By storing these texts, permanent public access to them will be ensured via a specialist portal. In a database the documents will be specified in form and content, and their copyright holders (authors and institutions) will be identified. In addition, a link will refer to the original document as long as it remains on your website http://www.wehaitians.com/.

We hope that you do not have any objections to the permanent archival storage of your documents via cibera and ask you to inform us of your decision by 29/12/2003.

Information about this project can be found at <http://www.cibera.de/graulit.html > (so far only in German). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

We would very much appreciate it if you would agree to participate in our project cibera. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully

Christiane Jungblut

Institut für Iberaomerika-Kunde Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ibero-Amerika Alsterglacis 8 D - 20354 Hamburg Tel. ++ 49 - (0)40 - 41 47 82 - 36 / 38 / 54 iik-vifa@public.uni-hamburg.de http://www.duei.de/iik/

  • From: duraiappah <akduraiappah@shaw.ca> To: wehaitians@gis.net <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: photo request Date: Friday, November 15, 2002 8:40 AM


I saw a dramatic photo of a girl carrying water on your web site. I would like to use this photo for a document I am preparing for one of the U.N agencies. Credit will of course be given to the source if used. Please let me know if this is [possible. Look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards

Anantha Duraiappah

Anantha Kumar Duraiappah P.h.D Director, Economic Policy IISD, Canada e-mail: akduraiappah@iisd.ca akduraiappah@shaw.ca

  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: Curiosity Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:04 AM

Hello, my name is Allison and I am a high school student in the U.S. For a class final, I have chosen to write a paper concerning the recent and long-standing struggles of the Haitain people. The theme of my paper will be: The U.S. should not interfere with the re-building of a Haitian democracy ( or whatever form of government they chose the pursue). I feel that the U.S. government has alread done too much damage to Haiti and many other counties of the world by repeatedly interfering in its own self interest. Furthermore, I think that a Democracy put in place by a foreign country defeats the whole idea of a "government for the people, by the people".

I would like to know what you think. And if you could direct me to anymore relaible information that I could learn from I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you so much for your time, and If you don't respond for whatever reason, thank you for you informational and eye-opening web-site.


  • Bonjour Professor Isidor Date: 2/8/02 8:43:37 AM Pacific Standard Time

To: WeHaitiansPol

How are you? I hope all is well on your part. As for us down here in south Florida we're doing fine. By the way i read your latest article was well versed; again i compliment you on a well written article. I applaud your strength an effort to write with such vigor and truth and above all you're informing a young Haitian/American to keep hope alive so that tomorrow there'll be a better future for my children and their grand children in that beautiful island called "The Pearl of The Indies; Haiti." Professor Isidor i hope one day in the near future that we'll get to meet you by arranging a seminar in South Florida. Until then Professor Isidor it's with the greatest pleasure that i bid you a healthy and prosperous weekend may God keep your pen as sharp as your wit.

Micael Dutes<BR> International Social Services, Inc.

  • To: 'wehaitians@gis.net' <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: Fellow Haitian Date: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 7:30 AM

Dear Prof. Yves,

I am ... and am from Haiti. I am a third year law student at New York Law School. Starting next year, I will join the U.S. Department of Justice in DC and will practice constitutional law. I admire your works in advocating for human rights and democracy in Haiti. I was wondering how I can be part of your team because I am very much interested in contributing to Haiti's development.

I strongly believe that democracy cannot exist without an independent judiciary and a strong rule of law. To achieve that end, Haiti's intellectuals must work together to strengthen our judicial system. We must also work to create a stable political atmosphere that will ultimately result in economic growth. Private investment depends on a stable rule of law and stable political atmosphere. We, the children of Haiti, owe it to our homeland, and I am eager to join you to do so.

Best regards,

  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: Garbage removal in Haiti Date: Friday, April 30, 2004 3:38 PM

Bonjour Yves A. Isidor-

My name is ... and I am a graduate student at Wesleyan University in CT. I saw an article you produced in 2000 on entitled 'Will Haitians vote on Sunday'. There was a reference to garbage removal in that article and I am trying to learn more about how the country deal with household garbage like plastics, glass, cardboard, metal, etc. PLease let me know your thoughts of anywhere else I can find this information. Your help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to yuor reply.


  • To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: God bless you Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:22 PM

I have just read your website for the first time and I cannot believe what is going on in Haiti! I live in Memphis, TN USA and haven't heard any of this on the national news for the past 10 years. All I ever hear is "an uprising" in Haiti that makes the rebels look like the aggressors. I have changed my opinion due to reading your site and support your cause, I will also pray God's help in bringing justice in Haiti.

take care,

  • To: wehaitians@gis.net <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: i have visited your web page Date: Thursday, July 10, 2003 3:10 PM

I was online doing some research when I run into your web page. What i have read on the web page makes me feel that you are doing a great work in Haiti, however I would like to know more about the organization. What is the organization objective? How and why did you put up that organization? Maybe then i could join in the organization.

Note: I have not heard of that organization for a long time.

YOur reply is greatly expected


  • From: "reena patel" ... To: <wehaitians@gis.net> Subject: Electricity Deregulation ( Message from Singapore) Date: Friday, July 18, 2003 12:35 PM

Dear Professor Isidor,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Reena Patel and I am currently working with Energy Department in Singapore. I have been assigned by my department to conduct an economic workshop with my colleague to discuss the issue of electricity deregulation. I have been reading a lot of articles concerning the deregulation of electricity particularly in the United States. I have been also advised to get professional opinion from notable professors in United States. I found your email through the Internet and also through the college website. As for my opinion Professor, the reason for deregulation was to allow competition and also stop all the government price controls. Is this the reason people perceived natural monopoly is a market failure because natural monopoly is just as bad for marketplace competition as a true monopoly, since a company with natural monopoly characteristics is eventually likely to take on all the characteristics of a true monopoly.

I would really appreciate if you could spare me some information and knowledge regarding this issue, whether deregulation is a good thing for electricity.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation

Regards Reena Patel Singapore

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